Vrlo je moguce da je Pizza Hut u pitanju. Na sajtu vlasnika fransize pise da su sredinom prosle godine dobili licencu za "master fransizu" za ovaj deo Evrope.
"The Agreements determine the rights and license to develop, own and operate Pizza Hut restaurants in chosen countries of Central and Eastern Europe: Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Slovakia and Slovenia. The provisions of the Agreements will apply from October 1st, 2016. According to the MFA AmRest, as a master-franchisee, will have the right to grant to third parties the license to operate Pizza Hut Express and Pizza Hut Delivery restaurants (sub- franchise), while ensuring a certain share of restaurants is operated directly by the Company.
Upon entry into force of the Agreements AmRest will be required to open and operate Pizza Hut Express and Delivery restaurants in accordance with the development schedule that sets the minimum number of openings in the subsequent years of the Agreements’ term."
E sad, to nije nista cudno ali ugovor takodje kaze:
"The Company's intention is to significantly increase the presence of Pizza Hut locations in the markets defined in the Agreements through opening of approximately 300 restaurants of this brand within next 5 years.
Da li mislite da ima sanse da preuzmu npr Karibik ili Big Pizza? Pizza Hut je imao lokaciju u BG pa su zatvorili, ovo ako im je plan je suludo - sem ako ne kupe nekog od lokalaca i transformisu ga + otvore nekoliko svojih...